The update on his situation is that he went in for brain surgery this week and the doctors removed a small piece of his brain to send for testing. His health has been strongly deteriorating over recent months and he's been to countless hospitals and specialists and has even gone through dozens of tests but no one can seem to find out what is wrong. This has been the most devastating on my family because everyone feels like we're watching him waste away and we can't help. But on the bright side, this brain biopsy surgery is supposed to give us what we all have been aching for... an answer. This test, yes it's the most severe, is supposed to rule out certain diagnoses which will help anchor just one (or maybe more if that's the case). He's out of recovery now and doing very well... almost like he had nothing done. I will definitely keep you all updated on how he is doing.
Thank you again for everything! I do apologize for leaving the blog behind a bit (luckily it's been really slow in Beckhamland lately) but I definitely appreciate all of the support and kindness you have shown me in recent weeks!
Thanks again!